Cadet College Karak


I welcome all the cadets and our future leaders into cadet college Karak. We ensure that your stay with us remains joyful, peaceful, and full of beautiful memories. I wish you all to cherish each and every moment of your stay with us. On behalf of all the administrative and academic staff of us, I assure you all our best cooperation, assistance, and dedication to explore your potential and surface your potential.I commit that we will not leave any stone unturned to brighten your future and to pay way towards future dreams. You will never find us behind in achieving your academic goals at CCK. We have tried our best to provide you with a conducive learning environment and we will continue to improve it.

We aim to build your personality and want to see you nourishing and growing like flowers in the wilderness. We are not only an academic institution but also an institution that aims to develop you into a better human being and proud Pakistanis. We want you not only to be physically strong but also mentally tough and capable enough to take on the future challenges. We would love to see you all shining in different fields like galaxy stars. I wish you all a better and safer Pakistan. May Allah Pak bless us and guide us to contribute for the betterment of our beloved Pakistan.

Pakistan Zindabad